Denim Project revolves around two things; great denim and good people. Our mission is simple; to make quality denim available to everyone. We love those who dare to take a challenge, and always look for personal development. We know that you are your own ongoing project, and that mindset is exactly what is at the core of Denim Project. Your personality is made from bits and pieces that you pick up along the way in life. 

People you meet, experiences you have and stories that are told. No matter who you are, Denim Project wants to make sure that you can have access to the right denim to take you all the way on your personal journey. We do things a bit differently, and we’re proud of that. We always try to surprise in a positive manner and go beyond expectations. There’s nothing more essential than great human communication, feeling appreciated as a person and friendships without hidden agendas.

Denim Project is based on a solid foundation of great basic apparel, and topped with the very best trends and statement pieces from season to season. We stay agile, and always keep an open mind. We let feelings guide the way, and don't adhere to norms. We create what feels right, and always make sure that denim is in the equation. We want to supply everyone who needs it, with great products that can help them express their own unique style, achieve their goals and keep on working on their dreams.

Nobody does a better job at being you, than you - YOU ARE YOUR OWN PROJECT